Don’t Wait to Get Help
Adolescent / Teen Services
Growing up in today’s day and age can be so overwhelming and frustrating for teens/tweens. Social media has changed the way our children interact with the world. While it has opened the doors to so many wonderful resources, at the same time it has brought many stressors to the forefront of everyday life.
Adolescents often lack the coping skills necessary to deal with pressures in today’s society. They frequently feel alone and isolated and fear no one will understand. It can be a very challenging time for many teenagers as they are fighting for independence, yet still require help and guidance from adults. Therapy can best help them navigate this challenging landscape.
Treatment areas include:
- Bullying
- School-related issues
- Trauma
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Anger management
- Learning difficulties
- Depression
- Suicidal ideation
- Self-mutilation
- Anxiety
- Medical trauma
- Grief processing
- Social Anxiety Disorder
Teen Counseling can help:
- Increase self-esteem
- Provide an outlet to share about daily stressors
- Develop coping strategies to help regulate emotions
- Increase problem solving skills
- Deal with traumatic events
- Change harmful behaviors
Email or contact me here for a free, 15-minute phone consultation. I’m here to help you create a life your child will love.
Julie’s favorite resources for parents:
Brainstorm, The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain, by Dr. Daniel J. Siegel.
In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Siegel explains the development of the “teenage” brain and the effects of brain development on behavior, emotion and relationships.
In this audio relaxation/meditation session, teens can learn to manage stress, anger and anxiety while increasing self-esteem and self-awareness.
Anxious Kids Anxious Parents by Reid Wilson.
With anxiety at epidemic levels among our children, Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents offers a contrarian yet effective approach to help children and teens push through their fears, worries and phobias to ultimately become more resilient, independent and happy.

6021 S. Syracuse Way Suite 201
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
(720) 316-3991